About Us

Dear Customer

VinaShrimp Joint Stock Company would like to send all respectful greetings and deep thanks for the trust and comprehensive cooperation in the past time.
In the trend of international economic integration, Vietnam is actively integrating deeply with the global economy. The Vietnamese shrimp industry is also gradually increasing its value in terms of quantity and quality. In that trend, the members of VinaShrimp Joint Stock Company have also been striving to fulfill the objectives and mission of the Company. We always look forward to working with you to seize new and creative opportunities to create a chain of links to raise the level of Vietnamese Shrimp, together overcome difficulties and challenges to achieve outstanding achievements, towards a prosperous, sustainable and environmentally friendly development future.

We want to have a long-term cooperation with you, thank you very much!

General Introduction

VINASHRIMP Joint Stock Company, business registration number 1900649342 issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Bac Lieu on January 18, 2019, was established to invest in shrimp farming infrastructure applying high technology in the Mekong Delta. The company has been building the project "Super-intensive shrimp farming area with high technology application" in Vinh Thinh commune, Hoa Binh district, Bac Lieu province. The project has a total area of ​​490ha, designed to be 72 Farrm, of which: 24 farms (with 1 farm = 6 ponds + 2 ponds) and 48 farms (with 1 farm = 9 ponds + 3 ponds), and 4000m2 for farm type (4 ponds + 2 Deo ponds). The whole project is invested in synchronous, closed infrastructure, a system to control the whole farming process. Our company, with the goal of developing clean and sustainable agriculture and protecting the environment, VINASHRIMP cooperates with the production, processing and aquaculture enterprises in the chain to establish GOLDEN Joint Stock Company. SEA, with the functions of management and operation of shrimp farms and aquaculture.

Organizational Chart


Branding the value chain of Vietnam's shrimp industry

+ Improve the quality of shrimp products
+ Reducing costs of shrimp farming and production
+ Increase the brand value of Vietnamese shrimp
+ Environmental protection, minimizing pollution


Joint stock company becomes the leading enterprise in Vietnam in super-intensive shrimp farming with high technology application


  • Continuous improvement: Culture and motivation for growth.
  • Cooperation: Willing to cooperate in the spirit of mutual benefit.
  • Respect: Always respect customers, employees and partners.
  • Care: Customer care is always the top concern.
  • Responsibility: Always responsible for the services that you provide.